Providing the Right Tools Helps Attract and Keep Good Sales Talent - Iron Solutions

Providing the Right Tools Helps Attract and Keep Good Sales Talent

By Iron Solutions Posted in Resources

September 18, 2024

Businessman working with business analytics and data management system on computer connecting to database. Corporate strategy for finance, operations and marketing

In the competitive landscape of agriculture equipment sales, finding and keeping top sales talent is a persistent challenge. As the industry evolves, so do the expectations of sales professionals, who now look for more than just a competitive salary. They want the right tools that empower them to do their job effectively, efficiently, and with greater satisfaction. The difference between an average dealership and a top-performing one often comes down to the resources provided to the sales team. With the right tools, sales teams can focus on what they do best: selling.

The Changing Role of Salespeople in the Modern Market

The landscape of B2B sales, particularly in the equipment industry, is undergoing a significant transformation. Advances in technology, greater access to information, and evolving consumer expectations have reshaped the sales process. Today’s salespeople are no longer just deal closers; they are consultants, problem solvers, and trusted advisors to their clients. To thrive in this new environment, sales teams must be more adaptive, responsive, and customer-focused than ever before.

One landmark study by Forbes revealed that salespeople spend nearly two-thirds (64.8%) of their time on activities other than selling. This means that only 35.2% of their time is actually dedicated to revenue-generating activities. For equipment dealers, this statistic is particularly troubling, as it highlights the inefficiencies that can arise from managing multiple, disconnected systems.

Time dedicated to revenue-generating activities 35.2%

The Burden of Inefficient Systems

Ag dealers often run with a variety of systems that don’t always integrate seamlessly. A typical dealership might use different quoting and ordering systems from various manufacturers, alongside a Dealership Management System (DMS), inventory management tools, and a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. The complexity is further compounded in multi-location organizations, where visibility and efficiency can be severely compromised.

For sales teams, this means less time spent on selling and more time on administrative tasks—time that could be better spent building relationships with customers and closing deals. As the pressure to deliver quick and accurate quotes increases, the inefficiencies of outdated systems become clear, leading to frustration among sales teams and a decline in overall productivity.

Buying new tractor agricultural machine. Close up view of buyer and dealer handshake at tractor dealership.

The Rise of the Empowered Buyer

Adding to this complexity is the shift in buyer behavior. Today’s B2B buyers are more empowered than ever, conducting extensive research before engaging with a salesperson. A Forrester study found that 74% of B2B buyers conduct more than half of their research online before making an offline purchase. This shift means that by the time a buyer contacts a salesperson, they are already well-informed and have specific expectations.

To meet these expectations, sales teams need access to up-to-date, accurate information at their fingertips. They need tools that allow them to quickly respond to inquiries, provide detailed product information, and offer personalized solutions that meet the buyer’s needs.

Streamlining Sales Processes with the Right Tools

Dealerships that provide their sales teams with streamlined, integrated tools not only improve efficiency but also boost job satisfaction among their salespeople. David Kleiber, owner of Kleiber Tractor and Equipment in LaGrange, Texas, understands the importance of this. He notes, “Salespeople want to spend their time selling, not stumbling through different systems or typing information into spreadsheets. We give them the tools they need to quote quickly and accurately using lists of prequalified prospects.”

By using tools like IronHQ, Kleiber’s sales team can generate a quote for one of their biggest tractors, with hundreds of configurable options, in under five minutes. This efficiency allows the dealership to run with fewer salespeople while keeping or even increasing sales volume.

Earl Marshall, President of Marshall Machinery in Honesdale, Pennsylvania, echoes this sentiment. “If you give salespeople a choice, they’re going to want to keep all their notes on a notepad,” Marshall says. “You just can’t scale a business when people are operating like that.” Marshall Machinery, a five-location ag and construction dealer, has been using IronHQ for over a decade. “It changes the game for us. It changes how we do business,” Marshall adds.

Shorter Sales Cycles and the Need for Speed

The digital age has also shortened B2B sales cycles, with Gartner reporting an 18% decrease in the average sales cycle length over the past five years. Buyers now expect quick responses and fast solutions, and sales teams need tools that enable them to keep up with these demands. Marshall highlights the impact of IronHQ on their sales process: “Now, when a customer wants four quotes for a piece of machinery, the salesman isn’t rolling his eyes. It’s going to take him just a few moments.” The ability to generate quotes quickly and accurately not only satisfies customer expectations but also empowers the sales team to handle more transactions in less time.

Agricultural tractors sale, blue tractor in between red tractors

The Power of Personalization in Sales

Modern buyers expect a personalized experience that speaks directly to their needs and challenges. A McKinsey study found that 76% of B2B buyers expect vendors to understand their unique needs and offer customized solutions. For equipment dealers, this means providing sales teams with tools that allow for customer segmentation, personalized content, and tailored communication.

Percentage of B2B buyers that expect vendors to understand their unique needs and offer customized solutions 76%

IronHQ enables sales teams to track loyalty using marketing analytics and customer profiles, helping them find whether a customer is loyal to a brand, dealer, or salesperson. This insight allows sales teams to predict customer needs and deliver personalized solutions that build stronger relationships and drive sales.

How Iron Solutions Helps You Attract and Retain Top Sales Talent

Iron Solutions understands the challenges faced by equipment dealers in today’s market. That’s why we offer tools like IronGuides® and IronHQ, which are designed to streamline your sales processes, improve efficiency, and ultimately, help you attract and keep top sales talent.

IronGuides Logo

IronGuides® provides the industry’s most trusted source of equipment valuation information, built on actual dealer sales transaction data. With IronGuides, your sales team can access accurate, up-to-date valuations that instill confidence in their pricing decisions. This not only helps close deals faster but also enhances the credibility of your sales team in the eyes of customers.

IronHQ Logo

In addition to IronGuides, IronHQ integrates quoting, inventory management, DMS, and CRM functionality into a single, easy-to-use platform. This integration ends the inefficiencies of managing multiple systems, allowing your sales team to focus on what they do best, selling. With IronHQ, your sales team can handle more traffic per employee, respond to customer inquiries faster, and deliver personalized solutions that meet the unique needs of each buyer.

In the rapidly changing world of B2B sales, having the right tools is no longer just a competitive advantage—it’s a necessity. By providing your sales team with integrated, efficient tools like IronHQ and IronGuides®, you not only improve their productivity but also increase job satisfaction and retention. These tools empower your sales team to deliver personalized, responsive service that meets the high expectations of today’s buyers.

As the market continues to evolve, so must your sales strategy. Equip your sales team with the tools they need to succeed, and watch your dealership thrive in the face of change. With Iron Solutions, you can confidently navigate the challenges of today’s market and secure the top sales talent that will drive your business forward.

1. Why Sales Reps Spend Less Than 36% Of Time Selling

2. Forrester’s 2023 Global B2B Buyers’ Journey