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"In just three days, we saw a return on our initial investment in subscribing to IronSearch®. We quickly sold a combine and two heads to a customer in Pennsylvania."

- Midwest dealer with two locations

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A Blueprint to value: Tractors | header image

A Blueprint to Value: Tractors

DOWNLOAD THE PDF A BLUE PRINT TO VALUE TRACTORS ANATOMY In the 1900s, tractors revolutionized the agriculture industry, eventually freeing farmers from using oxen, horses and manpower. Today, no farm...
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IronGuides® Mobile Frequently Asked Questions

Questions that customers commonly ask about IronGuides Mobile. How long are appraisals available in the app? Still have questions? Read More about IronGuides Mobile or Contact Us by filling...
A line of various High Horsepower Tractors

Farm Equipment Appraisals: More Than Color and Age

Head photo courtesy of Titan Machinery. The skill of an independent appraiser is to formulate an unbiased value based upon a thorough understanding of the farm equipment market, while using...